Friday, July 9, 2010

Integration Intention

This card holds the both conscious and subconscious intentions. The intentions I'm aware of at this point are:

Native Way/Eastern Spirituality
Biodiversity/Cultural diversity
Rural Life/Urban Life

Group consciousness themes I noticed and noted at our first class:
  • Masculine/Feminine - She-King/HeQueen
  • Authentic transformation & integration
  • Obstacles / Ganesh - the remover of obstacles / Elephant
  • Insecurity and doubt
  • Authority - personal and external
  • Being a traveller of the road less travelled, not fitting into cultural norms
Things I love about this seminar already:
  • The smell of burning sage as I approached Studio 2
  • An altar of chocolate, fruit, flowers, light and sage
  • beautiful circle of women, some new to me, some I've already met, all I will know more deeply because of this circle
  • The immediate depth, openness, and trust of this group
Something I would shift:
  • I appreciate the dim lighting for gentleness and I also struggled to see more than silhouettes of the people across the circle. I would love to have one light on the altar that might provide just enough light to see each other without loosing the gentle ambiance.
Gratitude for the unique souls that show up in this sacred circle of woman artists, for the creative energies that bless us, guides us, and teach us, for all the struggle creativity generates in it's relationship with soul and the profound transformation that comes from that eternal dance. Blessings on this brief seasons we spend together in sacred creative communion. May we honor each other with presence, authenticity, support, and respect. O Matake Oyasin.