Friday, July 9, 2010

The Unfolding Begins

The Sacred Circle has been moving through me the past three weeks. It makes sense to me that this is the physical form that holds the process of integration for me. The integration of my spiritual roots from the Lakota way of life held by the sacred hoop of the medicine wheel, with the Eastern influence of The Tao held by the yin/yang symbol and Hinduism and Buddism held in the sacred circle of the mandala. It seems the intention I cast out to the Universe in 2006 as I began to shed the skin of my previous life, is still an unfolding lotus. The desire I whispered into the wind for the integration of the many aspects of my life, still chimes in the tinkling of leaves in the trees and reminds me the Universe only functions through interconnection and is always acting on behalf of Gaia's higher consciousness by ushering in integration for all beings on all levels at all times.

"Mandala (मण्डल) is a Sanskrit word that means "circle". In the Hindu and Buddhist religious traditions, their sacred art often takes a mandala form. The basic form of most Hindu and Buddhist mandalas is a square with four gates containing a circle with a center point. Each gate is in the shape of a T."

"...(in Jungian psychology) a symbol representing the effort toreunify the self...
Any of various ritualistic geometric designs symbolic of the universe,
used in Hinduism and Buddhism as an aid to meditation."

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